SCEE and Interconnect

The SCEE module in SiPANN also has built in functionality to export any of it’s models directly into a format readable by Lumerical Interconnect via the export_interconnect() function. This gives the user multiple options (Interconnect or Simphony) to cascade devices into complex structures. To export to a Interconnect file is as simple as a function call. First we declare all of our imports:

import numpy as np
from SiPANN import scee

Then make our device and calculate it’s scattering parameters (we arbitrarily choose a half ring resonator here)

r = 10000
w = 500
t = 220
wavelength = np.linspace(1500, 1600)
gap = 100

hr = scee.HalfRing(w, t, r, gap)
sparams = hr.sparams(wavelength)

And then export. Note export_interconnect takes in wavelengths in nms, but the Lumerical file will have frequency in meters, as is standard in Interconnect. To export:

filename = "halfring_10microns_sparams.txt"
scee.export_interconnect(sparams, wavelength, filename)

As a final parameter, export_interconnect also has a clear=True parameter that will empty the file being written to before writing. If you’d like to append to an existing file, simply set clear=False.

This is available in script form here